Haley Adams and HimToo - A Movement of White Nationalists and Rape Apologists

Published on Nov 05, 2018

Haley Adams

On November 17, 2018, Patriot Prayer member Haley Adams is holding a misogynist and rape-apologist rally in downtown Portland, co-hosted by Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson, and Quincy Anatello (Quincy Lee Franklin), a member of the Christian extremist group the “Hell Shaking Street Preachers”. Uniting the event’s messaging under the hashtag #HimToo, Adams and Patriot Prayer are producing propaganda that pretends there is an epidemic of false rape allegations against men equivalent to or exceeding in volume and severity to the horrifying realities of sexual harassment, rape, domestic violence, and murder of women and non-men in our society. The violence and the reliable presence of neo-Nazis and other fascists at Patriot Prayer events has already been well-established by Rose City Antifa and other media outlets. In this article, Rose City Antifa will document a number of violent men with documented histories of domestic and sexual violence or violence against women, whom Adams specifically invited to her rally. Not only is the premise of a “him too” rally ridiculous on its face, the behavior of Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, Street Preachers and other associated far-right and white nationalist groups, both on the streets of Portland and in their private lives, shows that they are the exact the sort of threat described by the concept of “rape culture.”

Men are certainly also victimized by the sexual and domestic violence and rape culture. However, Haley and Patriot Prayer’s usage of the #HimToo hashtag has overwhelmingly ignored the possibility that men might be victims of violence in favor of simply “triggering the libs,” and publicly mocking and discrediting any claims of sexual violence. The event on the November 17 is sure to be one more iteration of right-wing public harassment from Adams, Patriot Prayer, and the Street Preachers, as they threaten, abuse, violate, dehumanize, and incite violence against marginalized people.

Haley Adams

Haley Adams is a white nationalist member of Patriot Prayer who made her first appearance with semi-organized far-right activists in Portland on April 29, 2017, when Joey Gibson exploited an anonymous letter in order to storm through Portland’s Montavilla neighborhood with a number of fascists who threw roman salutes and left white supremacist graffiti in their wake. Jeremy Christian was one of the white supremacists who attended that rally, who less than a month later would murder two people and seriously wound a third, who attempted to stand in the way of him harassing two young Muslim women on a MAX train. Since that time, Adams has been a consistent presence at Patriot Prayer and Proud Boy events and struggled to transform herself into an alt-right celebrity.

In a stunning example of lackluster journalism, NPR recently ran a story on #HimToo which merely cited Haley Adams as a “Portland resident” who was organizing the rally, and provided absolutely no context about her long record of alt-right organizing, her overt racism and misogyny, or the violence her fascist friends have consistently perpetrated at rallies.

Adams with an alt-right politician
(top) In 2017, Haley Adams spent time working on the political campaign of racist alt-right Republican congressional candidate Omar Navarro. (bottom) Navarro is pictured rallying with members of the neo-Nazi Rise Above Movement as they hold an anti-semitic sign.

Adams' fans share memes about murdering activists
Haley Adams regularly creates and engages with posts advocating Charlottesville-style vehicular murders, including on #HimToo posts.

Adams talks with a Proud Boy
Haley Adams talks with Proud Boy Vittorio DiNove in Portland on October 13, after DiNove beat activists with a baton.

Adams uses Emmett Till to promote her rally
Adams claims Emmett Till was lynched simply because a false allegation of sexual harrassement was made against him, ignoring the overwhelming context of racist Jim Crow laws at the time. Her callous and dishonest use of Till’s murder in a meme promoting a reactionary moral panic gets to the heart of the bad faith within #himtoo, and perpetuates the routine exploitation of black suffering that is integral to white supremacy.

Haley spreads racism and conspiracy theories
Tweets posted by Haley Adams show that she is more than happy to participate in spreading unfounded rape accusations, as long as they further racist Islamophobic talking points or dangerous #PizzaGate style conspiracy theories.

Haley Adams is a white supremacist
Adams frequently extolls racist themes on “White Pride” and “white power” on her social media accounts. She also wore a helmet decorated with the neo-Nazi propaganda slogan “It’s Okay To Be White” at Joey Gibson’s violent June 30, 2018 rally in downtown Portland, where she marched with fascists, some of whom had also participated in the infamous and deadly August 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville.

Haley Adams is a white supremacist who rallies people to violence
Patriot Prayer member Haley Adams is a virulent racist who threatens violence against marginalized communities.

Quincy Anatello

Quincy Anatello

HimToo rally host Quincy Lee Franklin (aka Quincy Anatello, or “St. Fire”) is a hate preacher and a disciple of Tillamook, Oregon white nationalist Allen Pucket’s “Hell Shaking Street Preachers” organization.

Quincy Anatello claims that women deserve rape
When Patriot Prayer decided to harass participants in the 2018 Women’s March in Seattle, WA; Quincy Anatello was heard by multiple witnesses yelling “some women deserve rape” through a megaphone carried by violent white nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket.

Quincy Anatello describes himtoo in misogynist terms
Contrary to Adams’ purported agenda of correcting a perceived injustice in the way men accused of sexual assualt are treated, her co-organizer of the event makes clear that what is actually at stake is the preservation of patriarchy.

Quincy Anatello's misogyny
Quincy Anatello chalks rape culture up to women dressing as they wish.

Quincy Anatello with neo-Nazi Jacob Ott
Neo-Nazi Jake Von Ott celebrates his violent actions taken under the auspices of Patriot Prayer events in collaboration with the “Hell Shaking Street Preachers” and the Proud Boys hate group. Quincy Anatello is seen on the left side of the photo wearing a red shirt.

Quincy Anatello with Nazis
Quincy Anatello is pictured alongside his leader hate preacher Allen Pucket, neo-Nazi Jake Von Ott, “Might Is Right” from the PDX Stormers neo-Nazi organization, and domestic abuser Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen.

Quincy Anatello with neo-Nazi pedophile Jarl Rockhill
On December 2, 2017, Joey Gibson lead a group of violent bigots to harass people waiting for public transit in downtown PDX with anti-immigrant rhetoric in the lead-up to Patriot Prayer’s fascist anti-immigrant hate rally on December 9 Quincy Anatello can be seen second to the right wearing a dark jacket and holding a US flag on a thick pole suitable for hitting people. neo-Nazi Jarl Rockhill is highlighted in this photo.

Quincy Anatello with neo-Nazi Alex Becker
Quincy Anatello is seen with neo-Nazi Alexander Becker at an anti-immigrant hate rally hosted by Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer.

<img src="/images/allen-pucket/pucketmisogyny1.png" alt=“Quincy Anatello’s leader is a misogynist class=“med”>
Violent self-described white nationalist Allen Pucket, who leads the “Hell Shaking Street Preachers” hate group which Quincy Anatello follows, is a disgusting misogynist.

Allen Pucket is a misogynist
White nationalist hate preacher and Patriot Prayer member Allen Pucket, Quincy Anatello’s leader, expresses the conventionally misogynist sentiment that women are only useful for cooking and as sexual objects for violent men.

Allen Pucket doing misogynist violence with a neo-Nazi
White nationalist hate preacher Allen Pucket (in yellow “Jesus” hoodie) was filmed assaulting people in Berkeley, CA on 04/15/2017 alongside neo-Nazis including Identity Europa founder Nathan Damigo, who himself was seen punching a woman that day. Their violence is celebrated here in a meme shared among Patriot Prayer followers.

The Violent Misogyny of Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys

Adams’ rally purports to defend men who have been falsely accused of misogynist violence, but court records and other documentation clearly show that the people with whom she has spent the past two years rallying includes a number of men with histories of domestic and sexual violence.

Robert Zerfing

Robert Zerfing

Robert Zerfing is a far-right Youtuber who has said that jeremy Christian acted in self-defense when he murdered two people. He has attended nearly all of Patriot Prayer events, traveling as far as California to make propaganda videos for them. He has also identified as a Proud Boy.

Court filings by one of Robert Zerfing’s former partners reveal him to be a domestic abuser who hit, pushed, and kicked her. Anti-fascist researchers also found two separate legal proceedings in which judges have ruled that Zerfing owed back child support that had not been paid to two different mothers of his children. Zerfing has long been a member of Patriot Prayer.

DV court documents regarding Robert Zerfing
Court documents about Zerfing’s domestic violence.

Deme Cooper

Deme Cooper

Deme Cooper is a far-right Youtuber who is at nearly all Patriot Prayer events, harassing participants. He’s often used misogynist language to lambast counter-protesters, and has his own history of sexual violence against children.

court charges of sexual violence against Deme cooper
Violent misogynist and ever-present Patriot Prayer videographer Matthew “Deme” Cooper was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy on a victim under age 13.

Tyler Smith

Tyler Smith

Doomsday Preppers actor and child-sex-offender Tyler Smith traveled with Patriot Prayer members to an NYC Islamophobic hate rally in 2017.

Tyler Smith with Patriot Prayer
Tyler Smith with Patriot Prayer

Tyler Smith with Patriot Prayer
According to news reports, Tyler Smith pleaded guilty in 2009 for inappropriately touching a drunken 14-year-old girl in an Auburn parking lot.

Tyler Smith with Patriot Prayer
Tyler Smith was welcomed warmly into the proto-Patriot-Prayer “Warriors for Freedom” organization, despite the fact that, as Tiny would acknowledge after a falling out fractured their friendship, they knew about his pedophilia charges well in advance of their trip together.

Graham Jorgensen

Graham Jorgensen

Court documents reveal that Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen has a history of domestic violence and cyberstalking.

Graham Jorgensen court documents
Court documents detail Jorgensen’s history of domestic violence.

Graham Jorgensen court documents2

Mark Rupprecht

Mark Rupprecht

Court filings reveal Proud Boy / Patriot Prayer member Mark Rupprecht’s history of domestic violence. He has also had a protective order filed against him.

Mark Rupprecht court documents
Rupprecht’s court documents.

Mark Rupprecht court documents
Records show Rupprecht works at Wally’s Chowder House, owned by Ethan “Rufio” Nordean’s family.

Nick Boling

Nick Boling

In early February of 2018, Proud Boy Nick Boling was arrested in Washington state when he and a group of his obnoxious far-right bigot friends were asked to leave a bar and Boling subsequently assaulted a woman working there as a bartender. Autonomous anti-fascist activists in the Seattle area mobilized against Nick Boling’s employer Boeing in October, 2018.

Nick Boling court documents
Boling’s court documents.

Skyler Coy

Skyler Anthony Coy

A relative newcomer to the Patriot Prayer organization, Skyler Coy heeded Joey Gibson’s October 13, 201 call to harass and assault activists who were holding vigil for Patrick Kimmons after he was shot to death by the Portland Police. Coy also has a history of domestic violence.

Skyler Coy court documents
Court documents reveal Patriot Prayer follower Skyler Coy’s history of domestic violence.

Skyler Coy court documents
Court documents reference a list of exhibits which enumerate the injuries sustained by one of Skyler Coy’s intimate partners in the aftermath of his misogynist domestic violence.

Skyler Coy court documents
Court documents reveal also that one of Skyler Coy’s neighbors sought a restraining order against him after Coy assaulted and threatened them in retaliation for their having intervened to stop his domestic violence.

Skyler Coy covers his ass on facebook
After Coy participated in the violence Joey Gibson organized on October 13, 2018, local anti-fascist researchers began publicizing hints of his history of misogynist violence. Coy responded by dishonestly claiming on his facebook that he is the one who has “the only restraining order” - no such court order currently exists.

Skyler Coy fight 1
Skyler Coy brags about his involvement in the Patriot Prayer brawl of October 13, 2018.

Skyler Coy fight 2
Skyler Coy brags about his involvement in the Patriot Prayer brawl of October 13, 2018.

Tusitala “Tiny” Toese

Tiny toese

As one of the most infamously violent members of Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys hate group, Joey Gibson’s right-hand-man, Tiny Toese has repeatedly bragged about his history and willingness to assault women.

Tiny Toese is a misogynist
Tiny Toese brags about assaulting a woman while at a Patriot Prayer hate rally in Providence RI on 10/06/2018. This rally was co-organized with neo-Nazis from the American Guard organization.

Assorted other Patriot Prayer misogynists

Carl D Todd is a misogynist
Violent Patriot Prayer follower and member of the Proud Boys hate group Carl D Todd demeans women, fantasizes about violence against them, and repeats Haley Adams’ false #HimToo assertions that there is an epidemic of “false accusations” by women.

Carl D Todd is a misogynist
A racist Patriot Prayer follower who sometimes uses the pseudonym “Frank Pettygrove” to make racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, and misogynist posts, but often “likes” his posts from his regular account; spews repulsive misogyny and hatred of women on facebook.

Carl D Todd is a misogynist
(Top) Neo-Nazi Proud Boy and Patriot Prayer follower Levi Romero makes an instagram post proclaiming “All Females Are whores”; (Bottom) Levi Romero is pictured posing with Jake Farmer as well as other members of the Proud Boys hate group such as Tiny Toese, Anthony Edward Bell, Bryce Duff, Donovon Flippo, TJ Rickey, Daniel Garris, Travis Nugent, and also Patriot Prayer followers who participated in the deadly Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally: Christopher Ritchie and Henry “Enrique” Tarrio. Racist #HimToo rally organizer Haley Adams is also pictured.

Edie Dixon is a rape apologist
Patriot Prayer follower Edie Dixon, who is a known racist and anti-Semite, is also a rape apologist.

The HimToo page shares rape apologist memes
Fascist Patriot Prayer follower and Proud Boy Russell Schultz shares a meme implying that all women who come forward with personal experiences of sexual abuse are trying to trick people for financial gain. This rape apologist meme is then shared by the main HimToo facebook group. Haley Adams’ mother, Concetta Marie Adams (aka Concetta Andrizzi Adams) also chimes in and makes the claim that every woman who came forward with personal experiences of sexual abuse was lying.

Sean Wade calls for misogynist violence
Patriot Prayer follower Sean Wade regularly uses facebook to issue graphic threats and calls for violence. Here we see him advocating extreme violence against a woman being harassed by an alt-right troll on twitter, and also calling Christine Blasey Ford an “enemy of the people” and a “lying c*nt”._

HimToo Inspires Violent Misogyny, Death Threats from Patriot Prayer Followers

Patriot Prayer follower Joshua Stephen Sentelle only joined their ranks relatively recently, but has a facebook presence in keeping with other violent and unhinged Patriot Prayer followers, often posting live videos in which he fantasizes about enacting graphic violence or complains about “hoes” on Instagram. Sentelle was filmed throwing a Nazi salute (commonly called a “sieg heil”) and calling activists the N-word at Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2018 hate rally in downtown Portland before he also participated in beating anti-fascists alongside Proud Boys and other fascists in attendance.

Joshua Sentelle fantasizes about murder
Patriot Prayer member Joshua Sentelle talks about his proclivity for knife violence, his connections with the PNW Proud Boys hate group, his persecution fantasies, and his plans to commit murder at a Patriot Prayer event.

Joshua Sentelle is drawn to Jordan Peterson
Patriot Prayer member Joshua Sentelle, drawn by the misogynist incel glow of a Jordan Peterson event, again threatens to murder activists and explicitly declares his intentions to attend Patriot Prayer’s June 30, 2018 event in downtown Portland.

Joshua Sentelle attends a Patriot Prayer rally
Patriot Prayer member Joshua Sentelle is pictured among other Patriot Prayer followers, including Charlottesville attendee Christopher Ritchie; Proud Boys Ethan Nordean, Rob Cantrall, and Anthony Edward Bell; Bay Area fascist organizer Amber Cummings; far-right photograher “CK Ferrache”; and Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson. Sentelle was filmed throwing a fascist roman salute and shouting the N-word at activists before later attacking them with a wooden pole alongside members of the Proud Boys hate group.

More recently, Sentelle has adopted the rhetoric of Haley Adams’ #HimToo movement, complaining about “false rape allegations” and fantasizing that “I just wish somebody would falsely accuse me of rape, because I would show ’em what the fuck’s up,” before concluding “Women are like “Oh, we’re oppressed,” no you’re not, you can say shit at face value even if it’s a lie and you’re gonna be believed because you’re a fuckin btch. period. So don’t tell me you’re oppressed, it’s us men that are oppressed, you stupid cnts.” Sentelle’s tirades closely resembles Men’s Rights Activists in the early days of the Alt-Right. This ideology has proven deadly on numerous occasions, most prominently Eliot Rodger’s killing spree in Isla Vista, California in 2014..

Joshua Sentelle adopts Haley Adams HimToo rhetoric
Joshua Sentelle, filmed throwing roman salutes & screaming the N-word at a recent Patriot Prayer rally, mimics Haley Adams’ #HimToo rhetoric to issue threats of violence.

Any reasonable person might conclude that the extreme violence forewarned by Joshua Sentelle’s rhetoric is highly reminiscent of another Patriot Prayer adherent, Jeremy Christian, who went on to murder two people after going on exactly the kind of racist tirade which is commonplace at Patriot Prayer rallies.

Jeremy Christian violent rhetoric
Jeremy Christian, encouraged by the bellicose tone of the nascent Patriot Prayer’s online discussion in facebook comments, issues threats in a facebook thread with HimToo rally organizer Quincy Anatello.

Despite his hollow platitudes to the contrary, Gibson has welcomed and encouraged racist, homophobic, misogynist, and otherwise reactionary violence at his events. Gibson’s deputization of Haley Adams to spearhead a rape-apologist rally in the wake of the disgusting spectacle of Brett Kavanaugh’s supreme court confirmation presents one more instance of Patriot Prayer’s general practice of facilitating organized hate.

Join Rose city Antifa as we stand with survivors against Patriot Prayer’s hate on November 17, 2018.

If you have information about white nationalists, white supremacists, or any of the people mentioned in this article, please feel free to send tips to [email protected].