Alexander Wolfgang Becker is a Nazi that was in attendance at almost every Patriot Prayer event in 2017. For a long time, we’ve been referring to him by an alias “Mike Gainer.” Now, Rose City Antifa is ready to reveal this fascist’s name, address, and a full account of his organizing activities in the area, as well as his membership in the group of local white supremacists, known as the PDX Stormers.
Who are the PDX Stormers?
The Daily Stormer is a Nazi commentary site run by Andrew Anglin. It’s forums are one of the larger hubs for white supremacist activity online, and even though the website has been continuously kicked off of hosting all around the world over the last six months, it still exists on the dark web.
For some time now, forum members have been meeting in groups in public, which they call Stormer Book Clubs. In March, the Portland Stormer Book Club was kicked out of the Lucky Lab pub. Many of those participants were members of the CCC Discord server, and Corvallis neo-Nazi David Woods, along with Jimmy Marr and others, came up to meet the PDX Stormers on that occasion.
The PDX Stormers have also been noteable participants in Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer events. Despite the documentation Rose City Antifa and other allied groups, Gibson continues to welcome these Nazis at his events, where they frequently attack activists.
The PDX Stormers’ Twitter account tries to drum up support for the man who enables them to gather in downtown Portland.
The PDX Stormers’ Twitter account tries to drum up support for Joey Gibson’s 12/09/2017 anti-immigrant hate rally.
The PDX Stormers’ Twitter account touts their future plans and their affinity with Patriot Prayer, Identity Europa, Vanguard America, and other fascist organizations.
The PDX Stormers’ Gab account demeans PCC’s efforts to support immigrant students and expresses support for Oregon State University neo-nazi Andrew Oswalt.
The PDX Stormers’ Gab account denies the holocaust and endorses violence against Jewish people.
The PDX Stormers’ Gab account frequently uses racist slurs against black people.
Becker’s Racist Social Media Posts
Becker attempts to shore up support for himself in the event of his inevitable discovery as a neo-Nazi. Ethan Devries (aka Frankie Paldino) shares white supremacist sentiments.
Becker expresses his approval for neo-Nazi Thorsson Snyder’s (aka Tariq Anbar) post displaying a white supremacist celtic cross and throwing a Nazi salute.
Becker rebukes Joey Gibson during one of Gibson’s periodic denunciations of the neo-Nazis who show up to all of his rallies. He also reveals additional contact and organization between them.
Alexander Becker retweets a photo of Jimmy Marr standing in front of his truck with a giant swastika painted on it and an anti-semitic slogan on the back.
Becker explains on twitter that his neo-Nazi talking points, “arguments,” and neo-nazi “freedom of speech” are for the purposes of recruitment to nazi ideology and practice.
Becker identifies as a National Socialist and denies that the Holocaust happened.
Alexander Becker’s Racist Road Rage
Alexander Becker’s racism pre-dates Patriot Prayer’s events, and even the Trump administration itself. Early in the morning of September 11, 2016, Becker pulled his car into a McDonalds Drive-Thru in Vancouver, WA. Ahead of him in line was a Latino man. According to the arresting officer, Becker began honking his horn and shouting racial slurs at the man. The man then got out of his car and punched Becker in the face, bloodying his nose. Becker was arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct. The charge was held, if Becker remained on good behavior. However, as we will see below, he certainly did not.
The Probable Cause statement from the arresting officer in Alexander Becker’s 2016 arrest.
Becker Finds Patriot Prayer
The 82nd Avenue March on April 29, 2017 was the first time Rose City Antifa saw Alexander Becker at a Patriot Prayer event. He was there in the company of other PDX Stormers, who managed to stage a photo with the mayor.
Becker standing with two other members of the PDX Stormers at Joey Gibson’s event on April 29, 2017.
Becker marches down 82nd Avenue alongside members of Patriot Prayer.
Becker quickly became a fixture at Patriot Prayer events over 2017, both by himself and with other members of the PDX Stormers.
At the Patriot Prayer rally on June 4, 2017, Becker is seen wearing his favorite helmet. Many internet Nazis claim that “RWSS” stands for “Right Wing Safety Squad,” but in fact it is a reference to Hitler’s SS, as demonstrated in the snippet of 4chan chatter included above.
Alexander Becker and Identity Europa member “Gary Lee” attack an activist at the Portland waterfront during a Patriot Prayer Event on June 30, 2017.
After being peppersprayed in a scuffle during Joey Gibson’s June 30, 2017 event, Becker clutches a jug of milk.
While attending Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer event on June 30, 2017, neo-Nazi Alex Becker stands with two young people holding a “free helicopter rides” sign; a reference to fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet’s preferred method of murdering dissidents.
While attending Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer event on August 6, 2017, Alex Becker marches with neo-Nazi pedophile Jarl Rockhill in a procession with Oregon Republican senate candidate Mark Callahan.
Becker again at Joey Gibson’s August 6, 2017 event marching with Patriot Prayer followers such as Jonathan Zimmerman, Kat Smart, and Ian Kramer, as well as with other known fascists.
On September 5th, 2017, hundreds of people rallied in downtown Portland in the wake of Donald Trump’s announcement that he would be cancelling the DACA, or “Dream Act.” A small number of fascists were also in attendance. At the rally, a local television station interviewed PDX Stormer neo-Nazi Jarl Rockhill, giving him a platform to spout racist rhetoric about “illegals.” Alexander Becker can be seen beside Rockhill during the interview.
Alexander Becker attended Joey Gibson’s hastily-relocated September 10, 2017 Patriot Prayer rally in Vancouver, WA along with other PDX Stormer affiliated neo-Nazis such as Jarl Rockhill and the fascist we are currently calling “Might is Right”.
In his eagerness to attend far right rallies and spread neo-Nazi ideology, Becker apparently attempted to attend a “No to Marxism in Oregon” rally in Lincoln City on October 9th, 2017. The rally never materialized.
On October 15th, 2017, Joey Gibson held a rally in Salem, OR which Alexander Becker and a number of other PDX Stormers attended. Patriot Prayer made certain to include the neo-Nazis in their group photo from the event.
Alexander Becker marching with neo-Nazis Jarl Rockhill and Noah Gunn, as well as with Oregon Republican senate candidate Mark Callahan at Patriot Prayer’s October 15, 2017 rally in Salem, OR.
Alexander Becker (far right) and another neo-Nazi from the PDX Stormers stand with Patriot Prayer followers such as Kathryn Townsend, Michelle Schultz, Lee Gayer Robbins, and Peter Venturo as they listen to Joey Gibson’s bloviation. Kathryn Townsend’s sign indicates her refusal to acknowledge the well-established fact that Nazi proselytization is imbued with, organizes for, and directly precedes racist violence.
Alexander Becker attended Patriot Prayer’s anti-immigrant hate rally on December 9th, 2017 along with many other fascists.
Alexander Becker marches with Robert Zerfing, Jay Harris, Quincy Anatello, Donovon Flippo, and Russell Schultz at Patriot Prayer’s anti-immigrant hate rally on December 9th, 2017
Neo-Nazi Alexander Becker fights alongside neo-Nazi pedophile Jarl Rockhill and other members of Patriot Prayer such as Sean Mitchell, Carl D. Todd, and Joey Gibson at Patriot Prayer’s December 9, 2017 anti-immigrant hate rally.
It’s Okay to Be White
Becker also showed up with other members of the PDX Stormers to the two “It’s Okay to be White” racist dog-whistle events held in Vancouver.
At the first racist Vancouver gathering on November 13th, 2017, Becker (right) is seen next to organizer Morgan Brandfors (center), and Nazi skinhead Raul Gonzalez (left). Gonzalez carried a Hitler Youth knife to this rally on the anniversary of the murder of Mulugeta Seraw.
At the same Rally, Becker is pictured in a distinctive yellow jacket, standing with other members of the PDX Stormers, and Leo Stratton, right-wing youtuber.
Becker posts the racist slogan on his FB. Washington state neo-Nazi Bene Harrison makes a joke involving hanging up fliers with the slogan.
Alexander Becker also attended a second “It’s Okay To Be White” neo-nazi propaganda rally on November 25, 2017. He is pictured in this video composite standing with neo-Nazi pedophile Jarl Rockhill, neo-nazi Raul Gonzalez, and Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson. Gibson’s young child is seen standing a short distance from the group on the sidewalk.
Becker is seen at the November 25, 2017 rally posing with Tiny Toese, who is wearing a “Pepe the Frog” mask, and also making a tortured pun about “white power,” which is rendered even less funny by revelations that Becker is an un-ironic neo-Nazi.
After Patriot Prayer’s anti-immigrant hate rally on December 9th, 2017, Alexander Becker took it upon himself to hold a miniature rendition of the “It’s Okay To Be White” neo-nazi propaganda rallies which had happened twice before.
After fliers with the slogan showed up on the campus of Clark College in Vancouver, Becker posted an article about it, and accused a member of the Clark College staff of “self hate” for speaking out against the racist postings.
Becker mocks the staff of Clark College for speaking out against racism.
Given that Becker lives a mere 10 minutes from the Clark College campus, Rose City Antifa would guess that he and the PDX Stormers know exactly who is responsible for posting the fliers.
PCC Fliering
Although Rose City Antifa can’t say for sure that Becker was involved in the fliering at Clark College, we do know he was part of the group of seven Nazis that fliered the Portland Community College Campus on December 23, 2017.
Along with activists from the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front, members of the PDX Stormers put up a wide array of fascist and racist propaganda on the campus, which were all quickly taken down.
Alexander Becker is easily spotted in the surveillance camera images with other members of the PDX Stormers, wearing the same unique yellow jacket that he wore to both racist “It’s Okay To Be White” rallies in Vancouver, WA(see above).
Also, his car, a green Mercury Mountaineer, was seen leaving the campus. See below for a full description of that vehicle.
Alexander Wolfgang Becker<br /
aka: Mike Gainer
DOB: April 19, 1992
Address: 5911 Alki Rd Vancouver, WA
Vehicle: Green Mercury Mountaineer, License Plate Number: Washington ALY4222
Clear Photos
some clear photographs of Alexander Becker.
Alexander Becker un-maced, and maced.
Rose City Antifa is dedicated to exposing, opposing, and confronting fascist activity. If you have information regarding any of the people mentioned in this article, or other fascist and white supremacist activity in the Pacific Northwest, please email us at [email protected].