Brief Summary
Since December 2021, antifascists have been releasing a trove of data about the fascist organizing of Patriot Front (PF); origins of the group, membership, affiliations, recent activity, internal communications, political ideology. Key members have been exposed; individuals have lost their jobs; mobilizations have been disrupted. But we aren’t finished. Not even close.
In collaboration with Utah 161, WANaziWatch, Atlanta Antifascists, NYC Antifa, Antifa Seven Hills, Asheville Anti-Racism, Front Range AFA, Colorado Springs Antifa, Corvallis Antifascists, Bay161 and Chicago AFA, we have gone through the Unicorn Riot leak data, photographs and images, collaborating to effectively link individuals in photos with their corresponding Patriot Front usernames and ID numbers. More doxxes are in the works and we hope this gallery will serve as a comprehensive directory for Patriot Front members whose photos or information are revealed by the data leaks and by recent infiltration efforts.
If you have any information about the individuals in this gallery, please contact the broader coalition working on this project at: [email protected]
Patriot Front Organizational Structure and Positions
For administrative purposes, Patriot Front membership is divided into regional groups known as Networks, each with its own leader, the “Network Director” (ND). The area covered by a network may include part of a state, an entire state, or parts of multiple states (see map). In areas where there are not enough members living close enough to each other to comprise a network, members will instead belong to a “cluster,” which could become a network if enough new members are recruited in that area. PF members who are too remote from others geographically to be part of either a network or a cluster are referred to as “non-network members” (NNM).
Network Directors are selected by PF’s national leader, Thomas Rousseau. After being appointed, the ND then nominates two members of his network to be the Network Scribe (NS) and Network Quartermaster (NQ), respectively. The nominees must be approved by Rousseau before being officially designated as the NS and NQ. The quartermaster is responsible for the network’s supplies and materials, while the scribe keeps track of network members’ attendance and “activism,” takes notes at network meetings, and otherwise documents network activity.
This explanation is co-posted from this guide by Utah161.
Patriot Front members photos have been organized into sections by state, with the states listed in alphabetical order, and individual members listed in alphabetical order by Patriot Front username within each state. A subsection within each state will list any members from that state who have yet to be linked to any specific picture. There are also subsections for some states which include pictures from events/actions in that state, showing Patriot Front members which have not yet been linked with a username but need to be.
Updates to this gallery will be collected and evaluated for inclusion each week and any changes made once per week (likely on the weekend).

Photo array of Alabama Patriot Front members showing: Andrew AL (real name Christopher Tyler Goggins), PF-705250; Christopher AL (real name Wesley Evan Van Horn), PF-201612, Network 6 Director; James AL, PF-211855; and Norman AL (real name Ian Michael Elliott), PF-263100.

Photo array of Alabama Patriot Front members showing Sean AL, PF-646085.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos

Photo array of Arizona Patriot Front members/associates showing: Gabriel AZ, PF-8654; Jack AZ, PF-9412; James AZ, PF-9567, not present in chat logs, left Patriot Front sometime between 10/12/2021 and 10/28/2021; Leo AZ (real name Jeff Daniel), PF-935510, not present in chat logs, left Patriot Front between 11/21/2021 and 12/8/2021.

Photo array of Arizona Patriot Front members/associates showing: Vincent AZ, PF-2587; and Ricky, unaffiliated friend of Patriot Front.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- John AZ, PF-490342

Photo array of Arkansas Patriot Front members showing: Jesse AR (real name Dalton Woodward), PF-4437; and Nathan AR (real name Devin Wayne Center), PF-706042.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos

Photo array of California Patriot Front members showing: Brandon CA (real name Alexi Guthrie), PF-2922; Christopher CA, PF-631628; Gary CA, PF-2057; and Josh CA, PF-7674.

Photo array of California Patriot Front members showing: Logan CA, PF-4693; Nathan CA, PF-178823; Norman CA, PF-784735; and Paul CA, (real name Ryan Sundberg), PF-3219.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos

Photo array of Colorado Patriot Front members showing: Ben CO (real name Nathan David Brenner), PF-5597, Network 3 Director; Calvin CO, PF-564772; Francis IL/CO/IL (real name Conor James Ryan), appears as user “Interviewee-612481” in the RocketChat leaks because in December 2021 he was a former Patriot Front member in the process of applying to return to the group; and Jesse CO (real name Forrest Rankin), PF-4346.

Photo array of Colorado Patriot Front members showing: John CO (real name Dillon Thomas Oakes), PF-288308; Kevin CO (real name Patryck Scott Durham), PF-272463; and Wilson CO, (real name William Planer), PF-385764.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Charles CO, PF-392157
Colorado Drilling: Grand Junction, CO 10/10/21

Photo array showing two Patriot Front members (usernames and state affiliations currently unknown) who attended a drilling event in Colorado.

Photo array of Connecticut Patriot Front members showing: Peter CT, PF-4322; and Tyler CT (real name Alex Beilman), PF-365252.
Member not shown:
- Victor DE, PF-365630

Photo array of Florida Patriot Front members showing: Arthur FL (real name Calvin Stow-Ortiz), PF-507317; Floyd FL, PF-296661; Jack FL, PF-262636, not present in chat logs, left Patriot Front between 10/28/2021 and 11/12/2021; and Lawrence FL (real name Stephen James Trimboli), PF-2061, Network 16 Director.

Photo array of Florida Patriot Front members showing: Ryan FL (real name Christopher Semok), PF-894324; and Wayne FL, PF-412355.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Paul FL, PF-751801
- Phillip FL, PF-8642
- Ulysses FL, PF-115243

Photo array of Georgia Patriot Front members showing: Jackson GA (real name Karter Brown), PF-838443; Jesse GA (real name Christian Foshee), PF-847465; and Norman GA, PF-105977.

Photo array of Idaho Patriot Front members showing: Johnny ID, PF-616640; Marcus ID/WA (real name Winston Worth Durham), PF-946447; and Mike ID, PF-246557.

Photo array of Idaho Patriot Front members showing: Oscar ID (real name Richard Jacob Jessop), PF-535860; and Walter ID, PF-8472.

Photo array of Illinois Patriot Front members showing: Clarke IL (real name Logan Plank), PF-960033; Francis IL/CO/IL (real name Conor James Ryan), appears as user “Interviewee-612481” in the RocketChat leaks because in December 2021 he was a former Patriot Front member in the process of applying to return to the group; Joseph IL, PF-895090; and Randolph IL (real name Garret J. Garland), PF-729917.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Bradley IL, PF-737963
- Robert IL, PF-786699
- Victor IL, PF-2889

Photo array of Indiana Patriot Front members showing: Adam IN, PF-692415; and Victor IN (real name Caleb Dane Rose), PF-480997.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Billy IN, PF-113084
- Ethan IN, PF-105366
- Michael IN, PF-6666
- Robert IN, PF-219169
- Victor IN, PF-480997
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Gabriel IA, PF-632923
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Sean KS, PF-357296
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Lee KY, PF-495396
- Vincent KY, PF-511905

Photo array showing Louisiana Patriot Front member Leo LA, PF-793569.

Photo array of Maryland Patriot Front members showing: Ben MD, PF-159020, Network 9 Quartermaster; Grant MD (real name Daniel Turetchi), PF-880297, Network 9 Scribe; Robert MD, PF-520402; and Tyler MD (real name William Ring), PF-179192.

Photo array of Massachusetts Patriot Front members showing: Bill MA (real name Mark Hayden), PF-6309; Henry MA (real name Brian D. Harwood), PF-3274, Network 7 Quartermaster; Jim MA (real name Matthew Smaller), PF-694667; and Joe MA (real name Tyler Primavera), PF-366990.

Photo array of Massachusetts Patriot Front members showing: Marshall MA (real name David Spellman-Oldenquest), PF-2753; Phillip MA (real name Sal Munafo), PF-188861; and Victor MA (real name Jake Hayden), PF-645161.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Norman MA, PF-562149
Massachusetts Sparring: Wellesley, MA 11/14/21

Photo array showing one Patriot Front member (username and state affiliation currently unknown) who attended a Patriot Front sparring event held in Massachusetts.

Photo array of Michigan Patriot Front members showing: Alan MI (real name: Jackson C. Rex), PF-626733, Network 11 Director; Benjamin MI (real name: Jared Joseph Cummings), PF-765244; Eric MI, PF-2394, Network 11 Scribe; and Johnny MI (real name Jon-Paul Struys), PF-729120.

Photo array of Michigan Patriot Front members showing: Michael MI, PF-810046; Nathan MI (real name: Nicholas Scott Morrell), PF-383447; Sam MI, PF-305391; and Ulysses MI (real name Joseph Andrew Struys), PF-773060.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Arthur MI, PF-243840
- Francis MI, PF-785872
- Matt MI, PF-899151

Photo array of Minnesota Patriot Front members showing: three photos of George MN, PF-6860; and Johnny MN (real name Trevor Valescu), PF-5522, Network 11 Director.

Photo array of Minnesota Patriot Front members showing Sam MN (real name Daniel Joshua Springer), PF-173220.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- John MN, PF-420825
- Matthew MN, PF-6495
- Mike MN, PF-9454
- Peter MN, PF-7934
- Ray MN, PF-7369

Photo array of Missouri Patriot Front members showing: Carter MO (real name Luke Paule), PF-982856, Network 12 Director; Clarke MO (real name Nathaniel Joshua Leavitt), PF-256712; Kyle MO (real name Mitchell Frederick Wagner), PF-397313; and Mark MO (real name Ian Douglas Fletcher), PF-731400.

Photo array of Missouri Patriot Front members showing: Patrick MO (real name Brandon Michael Danaher), PF-5788; and Zach MO, PF-5998.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Bryan NV, PF-4352
New Hampshire

Photo array showing New Hampshire Patriot Front member Josh NH (real name Wyatt Trahan), PF-420619.
New Hampshire Sparring: October 2021

Photo array showing a photo of one Patriot Front member (username and state affiliation currently unknown) who attended a Patriot Front sparring event in New Hampshire.
New Jersey
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
New York

Photo array of New York Patriot Front current/former members and involved non-members, showing: Jackson NY, PF-354444, not present in chat logs, left Patriot Front sometime between 10/28/2021 and 11/12/2021; Jason NY (real name Kevin Lowy), PF-3527; and Jeff (Unaffiliated), Patriot Front interviewee/applicant and roommate/friend of Jason NY.

Photo array of New York Patriot Front members showing: Nick NY, PF-3669.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
North Carolina

Photo array of North Carolina Patriot Front members showing: Adam NC (real name Michael Alan Jones), PF-609822; James NC (real name Somerlad MacDougall), PF-357857; Jesse NC (real name Charlie Sean Conry), PF-474823; and Marcus NC (real name Jacob “Jake” Sieber), PF-983334.

Photo array of North Carolina Patriot Front members, showing Patrick NC, PF-898971, and a North Carolina Patriot Front member (username currently unknown) who was present at a Patriot Front banner drop in Raleigh, NC.

Photo array of North Carolina Patriot Front members, showing a North Carolina Patriot Front member (username currently unknown) who was present at a Patriot Front banner drop in Raleigh, NC.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Alex NC, PF-6672
- Brian NC, PF-295128
- Flint NC, PF-589208
- Jackson NC, PF-754785
- Logan NC, PF-205926
- Walter NC, PF-829436

Photo array of Ohio Patriot Front members showing: Michael OH, PF-2682; and Ryan OH (real name Alexander Hermann), PF-5724, Network 13 Director.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Benjamin OH, PF-410618
- Ethan OH, PF-678908
- Jeffery OH, PF-3561
- John OH, PF-434635
- Nicholas OH, PF-7878
- Patrick OH, PF-422474
- Sam OH, PF-7232
- Steven OH, PF-815180
- Victor OH, PF-584024
Ohio Meetup 10/30/21

Photo array showing three Ohio Patriot Front members (usernames currently unknown) who attended a Patriot Front meetup held in Ohio.

Photo array of Oklahoma Patriot Front members, showing: Bryan OK, PF-345050; Clarke OK, PF-858676; Donald OK, PF-680053; and Loy OK, PF-4914.

Photo array of Oklahoma Patriot Front members showing: Sid OK, no PF-ID (likely underage, is younger brother of Loy OK and Bryan OK, son of Billy Merse TX, operates as semi-official member and participates in actions/marches); William OK (real name Clinton William Hudson), PF-8191, Network 4 Director; and an Oklahoma Patriot Front member (username currently unknown).
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Cecil OK, PF-981399
- John OK, PF-968653
- Marshall OK, PF-4956

Photo array of Oregon Patriot Front members showing: Alexander OR (real name Richard James Flannery), PF-109720; Frederick OR (real name Lawrence Alexander Norman), PF-973332; and Leo OR (real name Casey James Knuteson), PF-269823.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- James OR, PF-781927

Photo array of Pennsylvania Patriot Front members showing: Alan PA (real name Dustin Sargent), PF-628655; Alexander PA (real name Devin Alexander Heming), PF-5463; Chris PA, PF-918982 (username present only in September 2021 Patriot Front user lists); Eric PA, PF-950806, Network 10 Director.

Photo array of Pennsylvania Patriot Front members showing: Jackson PA, PF-419799; Mark PA (real name Nicholas Wolfgang Kaufman), PF-281688; Ryan PA (real name Zachary R. Stern), PF-2575; and Vincent PA/TX (real name Kyle Morelli), PF-4354, who moved from Texas to Pennsylvania mid-December 2021.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Adam PA, PF-628655
- Brian PA, PF-307919
- Francis PA, PF-6893
- Leo PA, PF-855780
- Patrick PA, PF-251979
- Paul PA, PF-416371
Rhode Island

Photo array of Rhode Island Patriot Front Member Mike RI, PF-8894.
South Carolina

Photo array of South Carolina Patriot Front members showing Aaron SC (real name David William Fair), PF-421237.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Frank SC, PF-238521
South Dakota

Photo array of South Dakota Patriot Front members showing: Mark SD (real name Zachary William Degelau), PF-461320; and Tyler SD (real name Riley Johnson), PF-604908.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Adam SD, PF-2056

Photo array showing Tennessee Patriot Front member Logan TN, PF-9768.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: Adam TX (real name Austin James Amato), PF-4366; Alexander TX (real name Eric Mitchell Sailors), PF-7273, not in Rocket Chat logs, user ID# is from Patriot Front Discord leaks; Austin TX, PF-2569, Network 1 Quartermaster; Billy Merse TX, PF-2658.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: Daniel TX, PF-9012; Don TX (real name Steven D. Tucker), PF-3398; Douglas TX, PF-8149; and James TX, PF-3637, Network 2 Director.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: Jason TX (real name Antonio Barr), PF-1919, Network 2 Scribe; Lewis TX (real name John Thomas VonDrashek III), PF-8743; Mason TX (real name Graham Jones Whitson), PF-8656; and Matt TX, PF-2173.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: Michael TX (real name Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager), PF-8485; Oscar TX, PF-858657, Network 1 Scribe; Patrick TX (real name Kieran Patrick Morris, PF-8944; and Paul TX), PF-361071, Network 2 Quartermaster.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: Phil TX (real name Phillip Lovett), PF-7554 (PF-ID from original Patriot Front Discord logs leaked by Torch Antifa); Robert TX (real name Petri Hyde), PF-915483; Scott TX, PF-164261; and Vincent TX/PA (real name Kyle Morelli), PF-4354, moved from Texas to Pennsylvania in mid-December 2021.

Photo array of Texas Patriot Front members showing: William TX (real name Ryan M. Stoneburner), PF-3544; and Wilson TX, PF-9889.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
Texas Drilling and Sparring: October 2021

Photo array showing two Patriot Front members (usernames and state affiliations currently unknown) who were present at Patriot Front drilling events that took place in Texas in October 2021.

Photo array of Utah Patriot Front members showing: Anthony UT (real name Tyler Russell Arbuckle), PF-520619; Floyd UT, PF-6426, Network 5 Quartermaster; James UT (real name Branden Mitchel Haney), PF-462179; and Jon UT (real name Cameron Pruitt), PF-3354, Network 5 director.

Photo array of Utah Patriot Front members showing: Joshua UT (real name Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield), PF-6974, Network 5 Scribe; Logan UT (real name Jared Michael Boyce), PF-243189; and Max UT, PF-9487.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Nicholas UT, PF-576300

Photo array of Vermont Patriot Front member Rex VT (real name Ryan Roy), PF-8672.

Photo array of Virginia Patriot Front members showing: Christopher VA, PF-781150; John VA (real name Jacob Brown), PF-482090; Kenneth VA (real name Thomas Dail), PF-787082; and Roger VA (real name Nathaniel J. Noyce), PF-715853.

Photo array of Virginia Patriot Front members showing: Samuel VA (real name Paul Gancarz), PF-3564, Network 9 Director; and Vincent VA (real name Aedan Tredinnick), PF-868564.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Harrison VA, PF-771253

Photo array of Washington Patriot Front members showing: Clark WA (real name Jacob Stephen Sundt), PF-327302, Network 8 Scribe; David WA (real name Spencer Thomas Simpson), PF-329347; Ethan WA (real name Justin Michael O’Leary), PF-889563, Network 8 Quartermaster; and Jack WA (real name Matthew Allen Clement), PF-7890.

Photo array of Washington Patriot Front members showing: John WA (real name Colton Michael Brown), PF-3194, Network 8 Director; Marcus WA/ID (real name Winston Worth Durham), PF-946447; and Tyler WA (real name James Julius Johnson), PF-983004.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Paul WA, PF-640514
West Virginia

Photo array showing West Virginia Patriot Front member Gabriel WV, PF-803795.
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
- Benjamin WI, PF-8943
- Jackson WI, PF-170612
- Norman WI, PF-3522
Members Not Yet Identified in Photos
Further Information
If you have any information about the individuals pictured here or about Patriot Front generally, please contact the coalition at [email protected]