Northwest Nazi Campout Draws Small Crowd, Invites Anti-Fascist Attention

Published on Sep 15, 2009

On the weekend of September 12-13, 2009, Oregon neo-Nazis Dylan Cale Marchand and Daniel Lee Jones organized a white supremacist gathering at private property near Vancouver, Washington. According to internet promotion, the “racialist BBQ and Camp out” featured a speaker who had been involved with George Lincoln Rockwell’s original American Nazi Party, and also included “a bonfire, Jew pi?ata and other activities.”

Amongst other places, the campout was promoted on:

  • The “Northwest Imperative” Facebook page, which promotes the concept of turning the Pacific Northwest into a “whites-only” homeland;
  • The Hammerskin Nation forum, the primary communications outlet for the Hammerskins bonehead (racist “skinhead”) organization;
  • The eNationalist forum, associated with Nordwave: The Voice of National Socialism;
  • and the Vanguard News Network forum, another clearinghouse for neo-Nazi news, opinion and gossip.

While the campout itself was small, it represented an attempt to draw together fragmented tendencies within the white supremacist subculture, and to unite them into a stronger regional movement. The event was an attempt to build momentum for neo-Nazi organizing, albeit a meager one. We believe that such efforts have no place in our communities and should be stamped out at an early stage.

About the Campout Organizers:

Dylan Marchand at a 2006 NSM rally in Olympia, WA.

Dylan Cale Marchand is a Salem, Oregon-based neo-Nazi who is a former associate of Matthew Ramsey’s now-defunct Tualatin Valley Skins as well as an ex-member of the National Socialist Movement. Marchand achieved notoriety in 2005 for adopting a highway in Marion County, Oregon, in the name of the “American Nazi Party NSM” and then failing to clean up his stretch after the signs were posted. He was also spotted at the National Socialist Movement rallies in Olympia, Washington during January and April, 2006. Marchand seemingly has decided to step up his white supremacist activism once again. Rose City Antifa has sent a mailing to over one hundred immediate neighbors of Marchand’s house (4628 Treeside Drive NE, Salem, OR 97305) in order to warn them of his history and bigoted activities. We also encourage people not to support Marchand’s Treeside Landscape Maintenance business.

Daniel Lee Jones, whose last known place of residence is 10370 SW Del Monte Drive, Tigard, OR 97224, is best known for his 2008 campaign of flying Third Reich flags over the Portland metro area by means of helium balloons. Jones is also responsible for hanging banners that promoted the American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP) over freeway overpasses the year before. The leader of the neo-Nazi ANSWP, Bill White, is currently facing state charges relating to threats he made against perceived enemies on his website. Dan Jones, who was heavily involved with the ANSWP, is now involved with the Free Bill White website. Jones was active in promoting the Vancouver campout and his cell phone number was given as a contact for the event on some announcements. Rose City Antifa encourages Mr. Jones not to draw further attention to himself by Nazi activism.

If you have anything to say to these organizers, just give them a call:

Dylan Marchand: 503-269-5514 [THIS INFORMATION OUT OF DATE] Daniel Jones: 503-807-8706 [THIS INFORMATION OUT OF DATE]

Please remember to block your phone number (*67) before calling.

And in other developments…

The David Irving Connection

On Sunday, July 19, British neo-fascist and Holocaust-denier David Irving passed through Portland, Oregon as part of a speaking tour. Rose City Antifa and many other anti-racists protested Irving’s appearance at the Embassy Suites Hotel by the airport, but the hotel disgraced itself by allow Irving’s speech to go ahead despite having been informed of the event’s true nature.

Following the Irving event, National Socialist Movement member (and funeral director) Corinna Luray Burt of West Linn wrote an enthusiastic account of her experience, mentioning that she had “met someone there […] one of the founders of the American Nazi Party. […] Never have I been so proud to be a White National Socialist.”

Dylan Marchand’s name also appears on the registration list for the July 19 Irving event. On the Hammerskin Nation forum, Marchand wrote about plans for his upcoming September campout:

We do got a speaker from george lincoln rockwells american nazi party coming.Hes in his 70s and has some real good storys to tell. [sic]

Given the small numbers of proud ex-members of American Nazi Party, we presume that Burt and Marchand were referring to the same person in their respective internet posts. This affirms that the Irving talk was, as we have always stated, a fascist networking event in which links and plans were made. Also note that all of the Embassy Suites attendees were personally screened for approval by Irving and his personal assistant Jaenelle Antas. Not only was the Irving talk itself a fascist event, but it appears to have energized and encouraged other neo-Nazi activity such as Marchand’s campout, perhaps being the source of its main speaker.

Whenever white supremacists, fascists and anti-Semites organize in our area, Rose City Antifa considers itself invited to respond. This summer has been a busy one for fascist organizers of many stripes, but antifascists are prepared to put Portland on the map for consistently confronting and eliminating their ability to organize.

No compromise and no half-measures!

Rose City Antifa fight_them_back [at] riseup [dot] net voicemail: 971-533-7832
